What is VALORANT Premier and how will it benefit players?

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Riot Games continues to bring exciting features and updates to its flagship fist-person shooter, VALORANT. Indeed, 2023 has been a fantastic year for VALORANT players so far.

Release of a new map, Lotus, announcement of three new agents to be released this year, and introduction to the first new agent, Gekko, are some of the most highlighted events happened in the community in the early 2023.

On top of that, there is another highly exhilarating feature called Premier set to release very soon.

What is VALORANT Premier? – All you need to know

VALORANT Premier official announcement

VALORANT Premier is a new competitive mode, or, say, a new system that will give all players chance to battle against each other and make their way to esports in a much efficient and convenient way.

No more VCT open qualifiers will be there and passionate players will be able to enter esports tournaments directly by performing exceptionally well in this mode.

VALORANT Premier snapshot | Image via Riot Games

The Premier mode will provide higher competition than the Ranked mode and hence players must focus on their gaming skills to stand out from the crowd after its launch — Radiant may not be enough.

Riot Games’ this step toward making VALORANT esports even bigger is being highly appreciated in the community.

How does the VALORANT Premier mode work?

The Premier has not yet been launched as of this writing. However, the announcement video itself gives a good idea of how this new mode functions overall.

As mentioned earlier, Premier is an exciting way for gamers to compete together and have a chance to showcase their skills. The competition will be open to all players, and the matches will take place on designated maps.

Teams will need to win a certain number of matches to advance to the playoff tournament. The competition will be divided into different skill divisions, ensuring that players of all levels can participate and enjoy the challenge.

VALORANT Premier tournament
Image via Riot Games

For those who excel in Premier, there is a chance to progress to the VCT Challenger leagues, which is the path to becoming a pro athlete. The Challenger leagues feature the best players from around the world, and it is a great opportunity for talented players to showcase their skills.

Once a team has made it to the Challenger leagues, they can promote to international leagues and potentially even reach the Champions.

It is worth remembering that the Premier tournaments will continue throughout the Act with a series of weekly matches.

When will the VALORANT Premier release?

The exact release date for Premier is not yet announced. However, it has been unveiled that the new mode will land in the game in beta phase with the release of Episode 6 Act 3.

That means, players will be able to try the early version of Premier from the commencement of Act 3 of Episode 6.

Usually, Riot Games releases a new Act at the end of every battlepass. The Act 2 got launched recently, on March 7 and it is set to end on April 25. Thus, the most tentative date for the release of VALORANT Premier mode is April 25.

How can passionate players benefit from the Premier? – Answered

Ahead of Premier’s launch, aspiring gamers would have to find best players and form their team, then register the team for open qualifiers and then compete there to proceed to the next stages.

But after the launch of Premier, VALORANT players will be able to do all this in-game and it will undoubtedly a much convenient process.

Players desiring to make their career in esports, particularly VALORANT esports, will not have to worry about the process of entering official tournaments anymore. All they will have to do is work on their gaming skills and strategies.

Our guide to become VALORANT esports player

Then they can start playing weekly matches in the Premier in-game and advance to the playoffs. This way, they can easily become pro athlete just by focusing on gaming skills, ignoring the rest of the process of finding, building, and registering the team.

The VALORANT Premier mode will provide gamers with the same experience as VCT (VALORANT Champions Tour) pros and teams were having previously.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the VALORANT Premier mode will be a competitive mode that will connect in-game players to the world of VALORANT esports.

Passionate players should be ready from today to use this new feature as soon as it releases to get early benefits.

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Note: This article is based on our personal opinion and research.

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