Is it possible to play 2-player on Fortnite Nintendo Switch?

This article will walk you through everything you need to know about playing 2-player on Fortnite Nintendo Switch.
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Playing video games with family and friends gives you extra pleasure. Also, if you want to showcase your gaming prowess to them, you’ll want to play while sitting together and watching each other’s gameplay.

Luckily, Fortnite, with its split-screen feature, allows you to do just that. You can share the same gaming system and screen with your partner while playing the battle royale together.

However, this particular feature of Fortnite is only supported by a limited number of console types, i.e., Xbox and PlayStation. Unfortunately, Nintendo Switch gamers can’t use the Fortnite split-screen option, and as a result, they can’t play 2-player. The following section will clear up your doubts regarding the same.

The Nintendo Switch currently does not support Fortnite split-screen

As of March 2023, the Nintendo Switch handheld console does not support Fortnite’s split-screen mode. Epic Games’ official page for the split-screen guide states unequivocally that this feature is not yet available for the aforementioned console.

Split-screen is not supported on Fortnite Nintendo Switch
Epic Games has clearly mentioned that split-screen is not available on Nintendo Switch (Image via Epic Games)

According to the official source,

Split-screen mode is not supported on mobile devices, Nintendo Switch, PC platforms, Creative and Limited Time Modes, Save the World, or Solos.

Epic Games

As a result, looking for a way to play 2-player on Fortnite Nintendo Switch is pointless, and if you find someone discussing a working method for the same, it is most likely illegal.

Instead, if you want to play Fortnite on Nintendo Switch with a friend, you can have two Nintendo Switch systems and invite him in-game to sit together and play. That is all you can do now.

Otherwise, you can purchase a PlayStation or Xbox system as these consoles support this mode. The said consoles, like the Switch, will allow you to play games on large screens, including Fortnite.

Why Nintendo Switch does not support the Fortnite split-screen mode?

Officials have not stated why this feature is not available on the Nintendo Switch. However, it is possible that the handheld console is not powerful enough to handle two simultaneous players/accounts on a single system. Having said that, you may be able to play Fortnite in the split-screen mode in the future.

If this mode comes to Nintendo Switch in the upcoming days, you may be able to play 2-player (or more) by following the steps below:

When the split-screen mode is available, follow these steps to play 2-player mode in Fortnite on Nintendo Switch.

Step 1: Make sure you have two Joy-Con controllers and two separate Fortnite accounts, i.e., one of yours and one of your partner’s.

Step 2: Turn on the second controller and the request to add this one should appear on the screen. Simply add the controller.

Step 3: After connecting the controller to the system, go to the Fortnite main menu and invite your partner from there.

Step 4: Upon invitation, your friend should appear in the lobby. The split-screen mode will automatically turn on upon starting a game.

Note: The mentioned steps are purely based on the process to play 2-player Fortnite on Xbox and PlayStation. Switch users should only consider these steps as an idea about the split-screen mode.

FAQs about split-screen on Fortnite Nintendo Switch

  • Is Fortnite Split-Screen mode available on the Nintendo Switch?

    No, the mode isn’t yet made available on Nintendo Switch. Only Xbox and PlayStation users can enjoy Fortnite’s Split-Screen feature as of March 2023.

  • Can I play 2-player Fortnite on Nintendo Switch?

    No. Since Switch does not support Fortnite’s Split-Screen feature, you cannot play 2-player.

  • When will Fortnite split-screen be available on Nintendo Switch?

    There has been no confirmation of the split-screen feature’s arrival from either of the associated companies, namely Nintendo and Epic Games (Fortnite publisher). As a result, users will have to wait until an official announcement is made.

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